A Day In The Life Of A Twin Mum

Since giving birth to twins I have witnessed first hand the attraction and fascination people have with twins! If I go to the shops I get 4-5 people commenting on my babies. I usually get the comments:
  • Are they twins?
  • Are they 2 boys? (No!!!)
  • So lucky! You can stop now (after I tell them I have a boy and a girl!)
  • Double Trouble.
  • So Cute! (My favourite!)
I also get a few questions- how do yo do it? how do they sleep? so I thought I would share what a typical day is for us. I am a stay-at-home mum with twins who tries her best! I probably do a lot of things wrong so please no negative comments!

A typical day for me is the one like below. 

6am-8 am The house wakes up. 

My husband gets up and brings one or 2 kids in my bed for a cuddle if I am not up already. They sleep through the night (most nights) but wake up early and are happy to chat to themselves in their cot most mornings. I quickly make myself breakfast before they feed around 7h30 and I then sit on the floor using my twin pillow holding 2 bottles at once to feed them. I then burp them one by one change their nappies and change them into "day clothes".

8am-9am First nap. 

The twins go back down for a little sleep while maman has her shower, change clothes, clean the kitchen, check Instagram!, Facebook! and do a few other jobs.

9am-11am Time to Go Out. 

That is the time I go do a fitness class with Inspire Fitness for mums twice a week (They have a nanny looking after the twins while I get to do a proper workout!). Or I go to my Mother's group (when I remember it is on! oups!) or go for a walk, go shopping or for a coffee with someone. The twins will feed again at 10h30 and if we are home I will sit them into their high chairs and give them some homemade puree. Takes me 1.5hours to feed milk and purees including the cleaning up!

11am-2pm Big nap. 

They go back down for a nap around 11h30/12 and will stay asleep 1.5 or 2 hours if I am lucky! This is when I have my lunch,  clean the house, do some laundry, prepare new purees, create recipes, shoot them, blog or answer emails. Sometimes though one will go down easily while the other cries so I end up settling one twin and not getting anything else done while the other sleeps. I like having some alone time with just 1 twin though.

2 pm-4pm Feeding & Playing

I know this is the time my twins are the most awake and playful. I feed them after their big naps with milk and puree if we didn't do it earlier and then lay them on their blanket on my living room rug. The playmat we had is by now too small for all the rolling they do. We play with toys and practice sitting and standing. They are starting to want the same toy at the same time. It is very funny seeing them steal the toy from each other but I am sure I won't find it funny very soon! I spend my time cleaning up spew from Eloise who just keeps vomiting when on her tummy. :(

4pm-6pm Bath time.

This is my least favourite time of the day. I am a little tired myself and they are often tired too. I feed them milk when they ask for it (usually every 3 hours on the dot during the day) and then they have a bath around 5pm (every second day right now in the big bath) in turns and put their pyjamas on. I also have to finish up some jobs like tidying the living room, getting the laundry put away, washing dirty dishes & baby bottles (I often have 12 or more to wash!) and getting dinner organised. I sometimes put them back down for a nap if needed but they often fight that nap and end up really cranky by the time my husband gets home! Sorry husband!

6pm-8pm Relaxing

We feed the kids before our dinner and then I jump in the shower for a nice long hot shower. It is my little treat at the end of the day leaving Daddy in charge and taking time for myself (around 5 minutes not much more!!) I then cook dinner while Daddy puts the kids to bed and settle them to sleep. Eloise is the one that never wants to go to sleep at that time of the day so she gets extra cuddles with Daddy and goes on the baby swing while we eat dinner and watch TV. James goes down like a champion and doesn't make a sound at that time of the day. I tend to let their Dad do most of the twins settling at that time just so I can make dinner but also relax a little!

8pm-10pm Bed time.

We do a dreamfeed (a feed while the baby is still half asleep) around 8h30 pm and then put them back down to bed. And then we also go to bed and hope the twins will sleep through.

This is it what my days look like but they often change! The twins are good when I am out and about usually and can nap in the car or the pram.

And I still do not have a nice picture of me with both twins! Must do it soon!

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