10 Health Tips From A Health Coach

A few of you might now I graduated from IIN as a health coach last february. I got pregnant with twins the same month and did not use my certification until now. I am officially now working as a health coach on the side of being a full time new twin mummy.

I thought I would share with you my top 10 tips to being healthy and staying healthy! No fads or expensive tricks just simple ways I fit into my day-to-day to be healthy.

1// Swap orange juice for water in the morning.
Drinking pasteurised orange juice in the morning does not bring you some healthy vitamin C but rather a full glass of sugar. Your body is actually dehydrated in the morning and needs a big glass of water. You could save yourself a whole lot of calories and sugar in a month/year!

2//Fill your plates& shopping trolley with veggies and fruits.
Buy lots of fruit and veggies more than you usually do and aim to cook them all before the next shop. I find so many ways to sneak my veggies in and if by the end of the week I still have some I stir fry them or make a soup. Having the right products in your home will help you stay healthy the whole week.

3// Don't buy lollies, chips and cakes. Don't even go into these aisles.
Similar to tip number 2, not buying these products will help you stay away from them rather than having to resist the temptation of seeing them laying around your pantry. Much easier not having them inside your home in the first place!

4// Walking. No need for an expensive gym membership.
My number one exercise is walking. I try to go walking everyday. Not always a big walk as I sometimes go 20 minutes only in my neighbourhood but walking consistently is a sure way to improve your fitness, be healthy and keep off weight gain.

5// Healthy Breakfasts.
Starting the day with a healthy breakfast makes eating healthy for the rest of the day much easier. You haven't ruined the day already and think you might as well eat junk all day! There are so many healthy and easy simple recipes out there for healthy breakfasts. I recommend plain oats, smoothies and avocado toasts for people just starting out.

6// Meal prepping.
I probably should have put this tip as my number one tip as I believe it is the key to success to stay healthy on the long term. Being super busy does not mean you have to eat unhealthy if you are organised on a sunday afternoon to prepare some meals for the week. It only takes about 1 hour to prep some breakfasts, snacks, lunches and dinners for the beginning of the week. Cooking in big batches is also your friend. Unless it is pasta!

7// Cook something you like!
Find some easy healthy weekday dinner recipes you (and the whole family like). And plan them every few weeks. Having some recipes to fall back to makes meal planning a lot easier. Experiment with a few recipes or even tweak some of your current favourite recipes to make them healthier.

8// Eat more plants!
Cook more plant-based vegetarian meals. Aim for 3 vegetarian meals per week. It will be better for your health, the environment and your wallet! So many delicious healthy vegan recipes out there (for example Indian or Mexican) that will please even your meat-lover husband! (Like mine!)

9// Switch your carbs.
I, like most of you, love bread and pasta! I try however to buy wholemeal sourdough bread or wholemeal pasta and often serve brown rice or quinoa as a side rather than white rice. Again experiment until you find something that works for you and your family.

10//Treat yourself but not too often! Don't make it a whole week!
Now no-one is 100% healthy 100% of the time. I probably am healthy 80-90% of the time. I have treat meals, champagne, cheese, wine, chocolate and burgers here and there. They key is to know how to enjoy these meals and not turn them into a whole week of pigging out. I truly love my healthy lifestyle and never feel like I am on a diet which makes the treat meals I choose very often healthy anyway. I love sweet potato fries, a nice vegetarian pasta or a big slice of raw cake!

If you would like more tips or more health advice tailored to your own situation I would love to chat regarding my health coaching services! Email me at: clairepower1003@gmail.com. Also check out my Instagram account for some meal ideas @healthyfrenchwife.

Or if you too would like to become a health coach with IIN let me know I can answer your questions and help you get a course discount by referring you on!

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