Healthy Eating with a Newborn (or 2!)

As some of you know I gave birth last month to 2 little twins! Eloise & James. They are the best thing that has happened to me and it is easy to forget about yourself and your own health when you are constantly taking care of 2 little newborns that rely on you for everything.

I knew from the get go that taking care of myself will have to be my number 2 priority (number one being the babies of course!). You can't function properly and be able to deal with crying hungry babies at all hours of the day if you are feeling flat, hungry and tired yourself! Plus I know most mums like myself when to lose the baby weight rather quickly! I have 10kg that need to go and I am motivated to lose it all the healthy way.

So I have been eating very healthy and taking care of myself of the past 6 weeks. I thought I would share my tips for other mums out there. I will list some of my favourite "on-the-go" meals and also some other tips for organisation and how I am doing things. If I can do it with twins anyone can do it!

  • Plan ahead- make a list of meals for the next few days and do one big grocery shop (online to make it easy!)
  • Meal prep: 
      • Cook meals in batches on the weekend when you have your husband to help out with the baby;
      • Make some snacks and breakfasts ahead of time so you can just grab them on the go; (read below for some tips on what to eat);
      • Cook dinner before the "Witching hour"! My daughter gets grizzly in the evenings and I found it easier to cook dinner during their afternoon nap after lunch and then just have to warm up dinner. Makes it a lot less stressful for myself, my husband and her. 
      • Pack snacks in your handbag. So often I end up having a late lunch after they get fed. Snacking on almonds when needed gives me a boost of energy to be able to wait for my own lunch! 

  • Ideas on What To Eat:
    • Breakfast options:

      • Smoothies - my Mama's Smoothie recipe will be up this week! 
      • Overnight Oats (Mix 1/2 cup of rolled oats with 3/4 cup of milk topped with fruit and left overnight in the fridge) (Bonus: oats are a milk-making food for the breastfeeding mamas!)
      • Bliss Balls - I have 2 or 3 on really busy mornings!
      • Avocado Toast - perfect for giving new mums the right kind of energy and for some hormone balancing goodness. 
      • Eggs  and veggies if you suddenly have more than 10 min up your sleeve for breakfast!
    • Snacks:
      • Banana & nut butter
      • Handful of Almonds or other nuts. 
      • Bliss balls
      • Hummus and veggie sticks
      • Homemade trail mix
      • Smoothies
    • Lunch:
      • Salads
      • Leftovers from dinner are the best time saving options;
      • Sushi- can eat them with one hand!
      • Healthy homemade sandwiches and wraps including some protein and veggies.
    • Dinner:
      • Roasts - easy- just pop it in the oven and an hour later you have dinner sorted! Plus roasted veggies and meat are great for salads and sandwiches for the coming days.
      • Stir frys- quick to cook!
      • Big Salads.

I hope this blog post helps a few mums out there or give a few ideas. Since I have started cooking dinners in the afternoons when possible it really makes the evenings much more enjoyable and relaxing! I would love to hear other tips you might have so please comment below what you did with your baby to be organised and eat healthy!

Feel free to share this article with other mums out there too  :)

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