Surrender- My biggest lesson in Pregnancy


  1. To relinquish possession or control of something to another because of demandor compulsion.
  2. To give up in favor of another, especially voluntarily.
  3. To give up or abandon.
  4. To give over or resign (oneself) to something, as to an emotion.

Being pregnant was not like I anticipated it will be. I wouldn't say it was worse nor better- it is just one of those life experiences that you can't imagine or plan really until you experience it for yourself. I assume motherhood will be a lot the same!

I have always been a very organised person. I like to have control. I like planning things and I like projecting myself in the future by planning my week in advance. I also tend to always be on the go catching up with friends and being active. I guess now looking back I used to stay in my comfort zone a lot. Doing the same activities, blogging recipes only, cooking the same foods.. but I loved my lifestyle even though something was missing- being a mom.

Now fast forward 29 weeks and I have 2 little humans growing inside me. It is fair to say my life has changed dramatically since last year and I sometimes wonder if I am the same person! Being pregnant is definitely challenging emotionally and physically but it also makes me look at my life & body differently.

I think one of the main lesson being pregnant is teaching me ( I say teaching as I am still working on it!) is to SURRENDER. I need to stop over analyzing everything, feeling guilty for listening to my body and offering it all the rest it needs and accepting my changing/growing body.
Rather than worry or fight everything that is coming my way I am learning to take each day as it comes grateful to have more day with my babies inside me growing well as the past weeks have been a real roller coaster emotionally. I have had to embrace a new pace of life- slow and peaceful- enjoying my time at home more and more rather than wishing I was out running the pavement!

I have had to surrender to the unknown- what might or might not happen to my babies. Surrender to not knowing when they will come- as late as possible I hope. Surrender to new food cravings and aversions. Surrender to putting my body first. Surrender to sleeping and napping. Surrender to not being interested in recipe making. Surrender to carbs and cheese. Surrender to my babies needs. Surrender to my growing tummy. Surrender to stretch marks coming. Surrender to a new very limited wardrobe. And surrender to a strong and growing love I feel towards 2 little humans that have already turned my life upside down and will soon turn my house upside down!

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