My Weekly Meal Plan

Simply Scheduled

Last week was such a beautifully simple week. I just love weeks like that! The garden just needs a little tending to keep the weeds at bay but it's doing well. The kids where all home and Ryan was working hard as usual but home every night.

The weather was fabulous and we spent lots of time outside read, playing and weeding. We spent some time sewing with grandma at her house in preparation for a trek the older kids will be going on. For the most part just a wonderful simple uneventful week.

I enjoyed the full moon last week too....although I think I need to get me some blackout curtains for my bedroom because whenever it's that bright outside I have a hard time falling asleep.

Beautiful evenings!

Yesterday we had a fun time celebrating Dads! I made Ryan a healthified version of the Boston Cream Poke Cake that is pinned on my Healthify it Tammie Pinterest Board. It was super tasty but will need some more tweaking to be worthy of posting here.

I also finally got some half way decent pictures of my chili and baked potato bar recipes. I have decided that even though I have learned what makes better food pictures I don't see me ever being what I would call a photographer. But I find myself often comparing myself with others who do claim to be then I'm kind of embarrassed to post and share many of my food photos on social media or even my blog.

But yesterday as I was quickly snapping a few pictures before we ate dinner I decided if I am going to keep enjoying food blogging I need to not be so worried about having the best pictures. Some just turn out better than others and I have never claimed to be a photographer anyway.

I like good tasting healthy food and sharing good recipes and some sort of picture is better than nothing. But I just don't have the time and money to spend on trying to become amazing at photography and this blog hasn't ever made enough money to justify paying for a food photographer.

My goal has always been to provide great tasting healthy recipes that will encourage families to sit down often and have family meal time. I think that goal is being met and that will continue to be my focus. So I'm going to work really hard at not comparing my very amateur pictures with all the amazing ones out there and just focus on my strengths. One of which is I KNOW HOW TO MAKE HEALTHY FOOD TASTE GOOD!

 Homemade Veggie Burger

My Weekly Meal Plan

Orange Veggie Stir Fry

Best Burritoes

Summer Strawberry Salad with a Kick

Veggie-Bean Burgers

Hawaiian Haystacks


Roasted Veggies in the Crock Pot

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