My Little Miss is Getting Married!

So I have been wanting to post about this for some time now and to share the exciting news .....hopefully most of you have already heard but I realized that I haven't really posted about it on my social media sites. Although some of you may have noticed "The Big Day" board that showed up on my Pinterest! ;) Other then that and my personal facebook page I haven't really shared much about it online.

It's all been kind of a blur.....I saw it coming but are you ever prepared for such a thing? Especially with your oldest child! For sure a new season for our family.....things have stayed relatively "the same" for quite a few years around here but about a year ago I told Ryan that although the last 5 to even 10 years have not had too many big changes the next 5 to 10 would probably be overflowing with many big changes!

Then back in the Spring when Missy and Oliver's friendship started turning more serious.....I text Ryan one day and said "Hold onto your hat" to which he responded with, "Live changes & sharp curves ahead....." I let him know that I thought it was a good way to put it and that I had been trying to prepare for this.

But really how do you prepare? I kind of took what Ryan said picturing a winding road and just sat down and buckled in! ;) It came in really handy about the time they announced their engagement and set a date that was only six weeks away!

The easily overwhelmed, can't have too much going on, never knows what PMS will do, likes to keep life simple, thinks busy is a bad word person came out it me and I started to panic.....not because this amazing couple wanted to get married but because I didn't know how I was going to pull it all together for them.

But luckily early on in the process I had a vivid memory of when Missy was just a baby.....a very fussy baby at that....and I was a very overwhelmed new Mom. Others would tell me to just enjoy the baby stage and how fast it goes by and I would think, "Are you kidding me, it can't go fast enough!" Well obviously it didn't take me long to realize all those words of wisdom where exactly that....very wise. I slowly learned to just take life and all it's messiness and just focus on the moment and enjoy the ride.

A later text to Ryan said, "This should be a very exciting happy time in our life. I'm not going to ruin it by being overwhelmed, depressed and anxious. I will try to take it one day at a time." And that is what I have done. Lucky for me I have an amazing practical daughter who likes things even more SIMPLE then I do.
Now the wedding is just a week away and I wouldn't be totally honest if I said we got here stress free. But it's been a fun ride and a super happy time in our life that I will look back on very fondly. We are all so excited to have Oliver join our family! We hope you will share in our excitement and consider this your official invite.....if your in the neighborhood next week stop by and say hello!

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