Pregnancy News & First Trimester Reflections

I am so excited to be able to finally share here my happy news: My husband and I are expecting TWINS in September 2015!

We are so happy to be expecting 2 little babies even if it came as a surprise! Our Twins will be non identical and we don't know yet if they are boys or girls or one of each. Hoping to get one girl one boy!

I am currently 14 weeks today (starting second trimester) and have quite a bit of a bump already being pregnant with twins. I am looking forward to the next weeks feeling them move and kick!

Being at the start of my second trimester I look forward to more energy and less nausea! My first trimester went pretty well and below is a little week by week summary of my pregnancy for the curious! And also find out what I have been eating and craving!

I hope to be back blogging and sharing recipes soon but at the moment my body is busy creating little babies and I am not very interested in healthy foods and recipe making!

Below is our little twins- Baby A on top and Baby B on the bottom all curled up sleeping!

First Trimester Week By Week

Week 4 - Week 6
Over the moon to learn I am pregnant (at this point thinking it is with 1 baby). Starting to have a little bit of nausea (gagging in week 5-6). Had a few blood tests to measure my pregnancy hormones and they were very high (first sign of twin pregnancy!). I struggled at first knowing what was okay to eat or not during pregnancy.

Being really tired started straight away. I would come home from work- put on some loose clothes and lay on the couch until bedtime! I started going to sleep at 8h30 and I often woke up during the night. Pregnancy insomnia is so annoying!

Food-wise I straight away craved more carbs and said goodbye to my morning smoothies. I was very hungry at the beginning and started adding more snacks to my days.

Week 7
We found out we were expecting twins at the dating scan. The lady asked us how many we were expecting to see and I worried saying at least one thinking of the worst and she said well there are 2 babies! We giggled for the rest of the ultrasound and I got told to stop laughing as it was making the images unclear on the screen! We got to see the 2 heartbeats on the screen but didn't hear them.

Struggling more and more with tiredness and nausea at work. I had to drive to work with the window down to get some fresh air and eat every time nausea comes in- which meant every hour or so in the mornings!

Cravings: greek yogurt, cheese and tuna sushi (still craving tuna sushi but cannot have it!)

I went off Instagram and food blogging completely. Looking at some of the foods people eat made me feel sick and I didn't have the energy and the motivation to think or make recipes. Even cooking dinner is a chore! My husband had to cook dinner most nights! (still struggling right now with making dinner.)

Week 8- Week 9
We had a trip to America planned before finding out we were pregnant and so we went. Lucky it went pretty well. I wore travel sickness wrist bands that helped with morning sickness during the flights.
We were in cold NYC for the first week of our trip and the cold air helped with my nausea. And then visited Las Vegas and Los Angeles where my nausea got worse.

I was very hungry that week- I think walking around all day in the cold and growing babies increased my metabolism. I would wake up at 2 am starving eating pecan nuts in bed!

Cravings: bagels, pizza, carbs.

Week 10- Week 13
Got back to Perth extremely tired with the jet lag. I would take naps after work and sleep through the alarm until 11 pm! We had our first obstetrician appointment and got to see our little twins again before our big scan at 12 weeks to check everything was well.

I have been eating more and more cheese and yogurts and also craving oranges and kiwis! Some other cravings are boiled eggs and squid. I have been eating lots of French foods or foods from my childhood and have not eaten any sweets. I have completely gone off chocolate and sweets.

I felt like I was getting bigger everyday and had to start wearing maternity pants and say goodbye to normal clothes! My bump is definitely on show these days!

At 12 weeks we also started announcing our happy news to all our friends and family and also at work.

I look forward to the second trimester, having more energy, less nausea and being able to do more! I am also going to start shopping for baby stuff and set up the nursery!

Bump pic at 12 weeks below!

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