2014 Highlights and 2015 Goals

2014 is just finishing and I felt the need to write a list of all the beautiful things that have happened this year in my life despite facing a few challenges. Life is sometimes bittersweet and I have to remind myself to focus on the happy times more than the more challenging times. Overall though 2014 was a good year for my husband and I. We did not achieve some of the things we had planned to in 2014 but hopefully they will happen in 2015.


  • Starting the year celebrating with my husband's sister and family.
  • Going downsouth with my family.
  • Celebrating our first wedding anniversary in a beautiful part of the world.
  • Getting my bliss ball recipe featured on the Body Book website (created by Cameron Diaz!).
  • Spending Easter will Mick's family and friends.
  • Visiting Sydney for the first time.
  • Mick got a new full time job.
  • We moved house and are now living close to the beach.
  • I got mentioned in the newspaper.
  • I studied with IIN a health coaching course.
  • I did a blogging course run by the amazing Rachel MacDonald.
  • I won the Loving Earth #featurefoodie competition and got to develop 5 new recipes published in December on their website.
  • My blog and Instagram community has grown immensely.
  • I have met new people who I now count as close friends.
  • I have eaten delicious food.
  • I have got healthier and developed a healthy relationship with my body.
  • Through the hard & more difficult days I have grown and learned a bit more about myself.
  • I got to finish the year and spend Christmas and my 25th birthday with my family and my gorgeous sister Charlotte who I had not seen for 1.5 year.
  • I had my amazing husband by my side every day of the year to celebrate my joys, push myself and help me go through difficult times.
What a year it was! And overall it was a quiet year!That's the thing about writing down the things you are grateful for, or highlights of your year. By the end of it you realise how much love and good your life is filled with. So I encourage you to do the same. Get a pen and paper and write down all the little things that have happened last year. You might be surprised by the length of it!


I am actually really excited for 2015! For me the new year almost coincide with my birthday (I turn 25 on the 28th of December) so I always fill like the new year is a new page where new goals can be achieved.

Some of my goals for 2015 are:
  • Buy a House! 
  • Travel to America (booked for March 2015! I am beyond excited!)
  • Spend more time with family and friends.
  • Change things up a little on my blog with some interviews, and more savoury/ wellness posts.
  • Blog some more.
  • Begin offering health coaching services once I graduate in February.
  • Set up a blogging/ food photography studio in new house.
  • Create an ebook of my recipes. YOU CAN BUY IT HERE!
  • Do more yoga.
  • Start meditating properly.
  • Grow my hair long.
  • Use more organic house and beauty products.
  • Go visit my family in France.

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