My Weekly Meal Plan

So the only pictures I took last week where pictures of food, I always feel like my priorities are a bit off when there aren't any pictures of other things......or of the best things that aren't even things....I swear I can see my kids growing I better be sure to take some pictures so I can remember this time in our life! Just thinking out loud here and making a note to myself.

The good news about only having food pictures is that I am having a fun creative time in the kitchen and that always means more yummy recipes to post and share!

Last week Curt spent a few days with his Grandparents and went to Thanksgiving point, the Aquarium and some other fun things. Grandpa did get some good pictures and videos of that time so we will have to get some of those from him.

In other news my computer bit the dust.....luckily I am able to get in on safe mode and transfer anything everything onto an external hard drive. That's going to take some time.....we have had that computer for over 10 years so it has A LOT of stuff on it. I'm not looking forward at all to the task. Then we aren't sure if we are going to try to fix it or upgrade.  I have been having to use the family laptop but hey it's better than nothing we just have to's all good!

Anyway.....we have all but a few more rows of carrots in the garden and some chard and kale that is still hanging in there. We harvested most of the beets and carrots.....well we meaning Ryan.....and I'm excited to make another batch or two of pickled beets and more carrot butter and also just enjoy the veggies raw and roasted. YUM!

My Weekly Meal Plan

Stir Fry with Garlic Sauce (I think this is going to be the time when we say, "Write that down this recipe is a keeper!")

Chickpea Tacos (another recipe work in progress)

Sweet Potato Soup

Roasted Beets, Carrots, Potatoes with Sauteed Swiss Chard (posting recipe ASAP)

Curried Red Lentil Soup with Chickpeas and Quinoa


Stuffed Acorn Squash with Apple, Pecans & Cranberries

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