My Weekly Meal Plan

Some of you may have noticed that no meal plan was posted last week. I didn't forget we just had a lot going on and I just didn't get time to sit down and get it typed out.

my kids are growing up

It's been a very fun and productive couple of weeks though! Some of our very dearest friends spent about 24 hours with was too short as always but so wonderful to see them! I wish we could figure out how to not let too much time go by in between visits. We did manage to get Ryan home from work before dark so Kenzi could do some family photos for us.

It's that time of year when there seems to be multiple things that fill the calendar all at the same time. I'm always trying to slow down and savor the season yet make fun memories and enjoy happy times and celebration together with friends and family. I try to choose wisely and I think I do pretty well but a lot of times I choose too much and end up overwhelmed. That's when I like to take a deep breath and turn off the lights and sit in a dimly lit warm room while the cold and hustle goes on outside. Usually with a good book and a loved one or three or more! ;)

The Olive Family
We had an early get together last Monday with the Olive family and it was so great to see all the crew......sure love our crazy family......speaking of crazy we are looking forward to getting together with all of the Nelson family this week. So many wonderful people in our lives to be Thankful for!

pantry remodel
Taking apart
Some exciting news around my kitchen is that Ryan finally convinced me to let him redo my pantry. I have put it off since it was brand new but it just wasn't as functional as I needed it to be which made making meals take longer than needed and not very fun. So a week ago Saturday he went to get a few needed supplies while I emptied the pantry.

remodeling our pantry
Almost finished getting it all back together

Then in just a few hours he had it all tore out and new shelves up. It was late evening by then so we postponed caulking and painting it until later.....hopefully sooner than later but for sure not this week ;). It's already nicer to cook from though and I'll be sure to give you a tour when we finish or maybe before if I get the hankering. It will for sure LOOK nicer when it's all finished but it's just as functional now and I don't like trying to function with my pantry apart for days at a time so waiting to have it look nice is worth waiting for.

mission call

This past Thursday, Grandma and Grandpa Nelson got their mission call. It's a different kind of mission they actually will be living at home they were asking for a couple from every stake who could devote full time to helping with missionary work in their stake. We are all excited they get to serve like they have been wanting to and we still get to have them close by!

Alright menu plan......of course it will look a bit different this week with Thanksgiving and all and I'm sure it will get changed up a bit depending on my mood but here is the plan!

my meal plan

My Weekly Meal Plan

Stuffed Acorn Squash

Minestrone Soup

Orange Veggie Stir Fry

Thanksgiving Dinner



Lentil Soup

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