A week in the life...

...or facebook page of Homemade, Healthy, Happy!

Just a little round-up of things I posted over on the other side of the internet for you all this week.

(By the way... when I hear or use the term 'round-up', it seems to inspire this country-barn-dance kind of image in my head. I don't know? But now you'll have a barn dance in your head whenever you hear that term too. You're welcome.)

Big Important Personal Shtuff:
  • I had uni exams! Done for the semester, woohooo! Good luck to all those still in exam madness.
  • I started a second job! I'm going to be teaching cheesemaking workshops at The Cheesemaking Workshop in Northbridge, Sydney. Sooooo exciiiiited. You should book in for one of my workshops and make silly faces to me from up the back, so I'm not so nervous. Do it!

Info Posts I shared:

Recipes etc:

Recipes from my blog:


  • The insane school that fed kids Ritz Crackers and charged the parents $5 per child for it, all because the parents packed an awesome, real food lunchbox with no grains. Check out the picture here, the post over at Weighty Matters

And a funny little meme to finish things off, because this IS the internet after all:
Courtesy of Modern Pioneer
Phew! I've learnt one thing from this post - I should post less on facebook! Hehe.
Which was your favourite post this week?


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