My Weekly Meal Plan

This past week we have been just taking in a savoring all the fall we can get! This week was full of harvesting, family time, eat some of the harvest, sharing some of the harvest and preserving some of the harvest. Along with a few other fun details. ;)

Flowers from the herb garden
We picked a few flowers from my herb garden to enjoy and a nice little very humble centerpiece for the table this week. Missy called it redneck but I preferred to call it a Little House on the Prairie arrangement. ;)  Either way we enjoyed it!

I heart Homeschooling
The week started off with our Pajamarama and then lots and lots of canning. I did a triple batch of salsa this week! It's so fun to see those empty jars that have been hanging out in the food storage room almost all full now!

Large Tomato Harvest
I can't believe how well the garden has done. I dare say that this year is the best garden we have ever had.....It has been such a blessing. And the cool thing is that it is all done well for the most part. I have been able to use all our own produce for my canning of salsa, soup and things this year. I think that's a first I usually end up having to go buy a few peppers or onions or things because we don't have enough but not this year. It has been awesome!

Tasty Garden Tomatoes
And what's even better is that even after a triple batch of salsa I still think I will be able to make another large batch of barley soup and maybe even some spaghetti sauce. We are watching the weather and may need to cover the tomatoes this week just so the last of the green ones can be sure to ripen. We still think this is the best way to grow bunches of tomatoes, especially when you have a short season like we do here.

I also tried out a couple different kinds of salsa verde this week and bottled about 15 pints. We planted one tomatillo plant this year and we will be able to make all the green salsa we want and plenty of this! We also dried a bunch of our jalapenos so I can make some more jalapeno powder.

All in all it was a great week I went with all my boys to a Court of Honor on Thursday......took the camera but left the memory card in the computer. :( Curt got his first class and some merit badges. Then on Saturday I went with my Girls to watch the General Women's was so fun to be able to have both my daughters we me.

This week I have a few days before more harvesting and preserving needs to happen so in my down time I'm trying to clean house a bit cause boy does it need it! As usual we are keeping dinner SIMPLE!

A yummy way to use eggplant!

My Weekly Meal Plan

Vegetable Thai Curry (still working on this and the garlic sauce when I have a recipes perfected they will be  huge favorites!)

Fajitas (with our own peppers, onions, cabbage and zucchini right from our garden!)

Split Pea Soup

Pan Fried Eggplant with Marinara Sauce (yep there are even a few eggplants in the garden ;)

Quinoa Chili, vegetable garden style


Crock Pot Sloppy Joes

Spa Pamper Party Package

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