My Weekly Meal Plan
Although with warmer weather we seem to be out and about more I love that things seem to relax a bit. Missy has finished up her writing class for the year and other classes the kids are taking will be done this month. So even though we go more places and get outside more there is just a more relaxed slower pace feeling all around.
Not sure why but I think it has to do with longer days and less pressure of "due dates" just less busy work and more enjoying life. I like that! Speaking of due dates my sister put on a very fun baby shower for my Sister-in-Law who is expecting her first. It was so much fun and I loved going "home" to visit. So many of my Aunts and Cousins that I just don't get to see very often. It was great to "catch up" just a bit.
Beets, peas, onions, and lettuces are starting to come up in the garden. I even have lots of herbs coming up that I seemed to just die last year and/or Ryan tilled them up inadvertently.....but most all of them are coming back even after being tilled! Got to love those herbs that grow like weeds......this herbalist who doesn't have a green thumb can at least grow those!
I start getting so anxious for the wind to stop and to be able to plant the rest of the garden. I know that I really should wait until at least the 15th and probably not until Memorial day to plant because you never know and it has been known to frost and even snow Memorial day's true I have seen it happen more then once.
So tomatoes, peppers and things have to wait a few more weeks. I'm just praying that the harvest will be bountiful because I have lots of plans for canning, pickling, drying and freezing. I would love to get our supply of homemade home-grown foods refilled in the food storage room!
There is going to be lots of talk about Moms this week since Mother's Day is Sunday. Although I haven't always been a fan of Mother's Day I'm really looking forward to it this year and I have always loved the idea in general of supporting, loving and helping Moms!
I also know that not only a lot of Mother's follow this blog but many of them are also Mommy Bloggers too! This past weekend Blogelina let me know about this very fun FREE package that they put together to help support all those blogging Moms.
I know when it comes to blogging there is a lot I have to learn. I was excited and snatched up this pack especially since it's free. There is also a $10 upgrade that I grabbed because I'm very interested in learning about how to maybe switch this blog over to wordpress one day or start another blog using wordpress and I'd like to know more about it. I've been eying Blogelina Blogger to Wordpress kit for a while now and quickly grabbed it when I saw it for such a great price. Happy Mother's Day to me!
For Mother's Day this year I want to have our Mothers/Grandmothers over for dinner. I have some very tasty plans for dinner that Ryan and the kids are going to make. It will be lots of fun. Note the menu for Sunday on the meal plan below. Doesn't it just sound like a fun Mother's Day meal? Especially if someone else is going to make it.....and clean up after it! ;)
My Weekly Meal Plan:
Quinoa Burgers
Broccoli Cheese Soup
Hawaiian Haystacks
Loaded Veggie Nacho Soup
Taco Sundays
Mother's Day Meal - Grilled Veggie Sandwiches, Potato Salad, Onion Rings, Italian Tossed Salad with Creamy Italian Dressing, Ice Cream Sandwiches.

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