Lemon Coconut Cheesecake

Last night I hosted my first Tupperware Party! I had been invited to 3 in the past years and decided to give it a go. It was a good excuse to have a girls night!
The demonstrator brought over my popsicles Tupperware moulds (I had ordered them at a previous party- stay tuned for some more ice-creams post!). I ended up getting a present for my mom, some clear containers to bring my salads into work and it came with smaller ones which would be perfect for vegetable sticks and hummus! I also got some containers made specifically for vegetables to "breathe" in your fridge. But enough about Tupperware. This post is about my healthy dessert: a raw lemon and coconut cheesecake recipe. I served this cake last night and it had success!


  • 1 1/2 cup raw cashews- noix de cajoux
  • 3 tbsp maple syrup - 3 cuilleres a soupe de syrop d'erable
  • 1 1/2 cup desiccated coconut -noix de coco en poudre
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil - huile de noix de coco
  • zest of 1/2 lemon - zest de citron
  • 1 tsp of vanilla powder-  1 petite cuillere extrait de vanille
  • 1 tsp of Cinnamon - 1 petite cuillere de cannelle
  • 1tbsp water- eau si besoin
  • 1/2 cup raw cashews - noix de cajoux
  • juice of 1 lemon - jus de citron
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil - 2 cuilleres a soupe d'huile de coco
  • 1-2 tbsp water- eau
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup - 1 cuillere a soupe de syrop d'erable


  1. Soak raw cashews in water overnight or for a few hours
  2. Drain water and put 1 and 1/2 cup in a food processor and mix.
  3. Add coconut, then maple syrup then coconut oil. 
  4. Add cinnamo, vanilla and lemon zest and put into a mould.
  5. Add water if needed.
  6. Press the base down with the back of a spoon or your hands.
  7. For the Cream: Mix the remaining soaked cashews.
  8. Add coconut oil, lemon juice and maple syrup. Add extra water if required.
  9. Lay on top of the base.
  10. Sprinkle some coconut and some more lemon zest on top of the cake.
  11. Set in the fridge for 3h or in the freezer. 
  12. It can keep in the freezer for a week or so.

  1. Laisser tremper les noix de cajoux dans de l'eau la nuit ou au moins 3h.
  2. Enlever l'eau et mettez 1 et 1/2 cup dans un mixeur puis broyer.
  3. Ajouter la noix de coco puis l'huile de noix de coco et le syrop d'érable.
  4. Ajouter la cannelle, la vanille et le zest de citron.
  5. Ajouter de l'eau si besoin.
  6. Mettre dans un moule et tasser avec la main ou le dos d'une cuillère.
  7. Pour la creme: Broyer les noix de cajoux restantes.
  8. Ajouter huile de coco, syrop d'érable, jus de citron et de l'eau si besoin.
  9. Etaler sur la base.
  10. Ajouter de la noix de coco et du zest de citron en decoration.
  11. Laisser au réfrigérateur au moins 3 h ou la nuit ou au congélateur.
  12. Le gateau reste bon au congélateur une semaine ou plus.

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